In Felgentreu (Germany), a giant biogas park was build in 2008. It was known as the biggest biogas park worldwide at that time.
Biogas mixers for the whole biogas park
Stallkamp deliverd the complete agitator technology for this project to bwe Energiesysteme, the general contractor. The biogas park is divided into 10 plants with each 855kW electric power. So in total the biogas park produces 8.44 MW electircal power and 7.2 MW thermic power (heating).
Reliable and efficient biomass mixers
The plant was conceptualised with 35 digesters and digestate storages with more than 100 biogas mixers by Stallkamp. The agitator are optimised for operation in biogas plants because they effectively prevent from layer building and reliably homogenise the biomass in the digester.
The concept is still without equal since it shows with regards to environmental and social-economical persepective that green energy production and stable employment go hand in hand. The generated heating of the biogas park is entirely used by a huge greenhouse with 12ha.
06420 Felgentreu, Germany