Submersible Slurry Mixer for Slurry Lagoon

Slurry mixer stirs fermentation residues with low DM content in slurry lagoon

This biogas plant in Ilmtal, Germany got a new gangway of 9m length for the slurry lagoon. It is a collection lagoon for the fermentation residues of the biogas plant which need to mixed up. Therefore a subermsible motor agitator with lifting gear was installed. The slurry mixer with 22 kW is the standard machine TMR3 vom Stallkamp designed to stir in slurry lagoons and slurry tanks. By help of the control box it is easy to operate the slurry mixer from the gangway. The slurry lagoon is moreover equipped with various suction and pressure lines in order to plug in mobile slurry pumps


Technichal Data of the slurry lagoon
Depth: 5,5 m
Width: 20 m
Length:  50 m



99510 Ilmtal, Thüringen, Germany 

Project realisation: Andrej Sammer Werksvertretung and Popp & Sohn GmbH & Co.KG

Please contact for any further information Andrej Sammer.