Process Water Container in Stainless Steel for WWTP

Save and use process water 

The German waste treatment company AbfallWirtschaftsGesellschaft mbH in Bassum refines the waste water arising in their waste treatment plant in a multi-stage process. The waste water treatment includes biological, chemical and physical purification stages. The refined water flows into the outlet channel. The implemented treatment processes require lots of water that is collected in the new process water container made from stainless steel. By the reuse of the process water they can save lots of drinking water. 

Process water container made from stainless steel 

The new corrugated container has a diameter of almost 10m and has a height of 3m which leads to a waste water volume of 230m³. The tank is used for the exchange of activated carbon or during the backflushing of the garvel packed filter. Both examples require huge amounts of water that can be collected in the new process water container. As the water consists of chloride, the company decided to build the container in higher quality of stainless steel (material no. 1.4571). So the tank is very corrosion resistant and long-lasting.


Technical Data 

Diameter: 9.59 m
Height: 3.01m
Volume of the tank: 231.7 m³



Bassum, Germany

Please contact us or our partner W. + E. Sündermann GmbH & Co. KG for any further information.