First Stainless Steel Manure Tank

This reference shows the first stainless steel manure tank made by Stallkamp.

Historic manure tank

At that time the stainless steel manure tank was sold under the brand "Ley". The stainless steel tank was built in 1985. The decision for stainless steel was difficult because materials such as concrete, enamel or wood were common. The decisive factor was the durability of stainless steel.

Longlasting stainless steel manure tank

Today, it becomes obvious that the decision was right. Not one penny was spent on servicing over those years. And even the grandson still benefits from the decision of his grandparents. After 30 years there has been a reunion - not because of maintenance but to say thank you!

The investment was definitely worthwile. - Bernhard Grafe


Technichal Data
Diameter: 17,70 m
Hight: 3,78 m
Volume: 865 m³



49456 Bakum-Vestrup, Germany 

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